Customer case: Boozehounds – The story behind its unique spirits and liqueurs.

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Zolemba is proud to collaborate with a wide range of customers in the beverage industry. Today, we turn the spotlight on Boozehounds and spoke with Stefan Hoffmann about their unique spirits and liqueurs, and their successful partnership with Zolemba.

The origin story of Boozehounds

A little over a decade ago, they enthusiastically entered the hospitality industry. When the Covid virus struck in 2019 and the hospitality sector shut down, they decided to seize this forced pause to let their creativity flow. They had always had a passion for developing unique blends for their cocktails at the bar, and now was the moment to elevate this to a higher level.

They began producing their blends in larger quantities and commercializing them, which turned out to be a great success. They discovered a new passion and an unexpected talent for blending spirits and liqueurs.

Thus, Boozehounds was born out of a crisis, driven by a love for flavor and quality. Their goal was not only to push the traditional boundaries of taste and offer something new to spirits enthusiasts, but primarily to provide the bar scene with high-quality and unique front spirits that offer real added value.

Boozehounds is a company dedicated to creating exceptional spirits and liqueurs. The name "Boozehounds" is a playful combination of "booze" and "hounds", a nod to their loyal mascot, Edison, a French bulldog, as revealed by the logo.

The unique offering of Boozehounds

Boozehounds is known for its bold and innovative drinks. One of their most striking creations is the "Mezquila", a unique blend of mezcal and tequila. Where mezcal is often too intense in cocktails and tequila often fades into the background, this mezquila balances the smoky notes of mezcal with the smoothness of tequila, resulting in an unexpected and delightful flavor experience that makes for an exceptional paloma or margarita.

By keeping production entirely in-house, Boozehounds consciously opts for small batches of up to 300 liters. This artisanal process ensures that each batch has a unique character. While they remain true to their carefully developed recipes, they embrace the subtle nuances that arise from natural variations in ingredients. Just as with making limoncello, where one lemon might be slightly larger or more sour than another, an exact replica of a previous batch is almost impossible.

These small variations in flavor are not something they fear, but rather something they cherish. They often lead to surprising discoveries and refinements, making each new batch potentially even better than the previous one. It is this dedication to craftsmanship and the embrace of the unpredictability of natural ingredients that distinguishes Boozehounds and gives their spirits and liqueurs a unique character.

Moreover, this small-scale production allows them to be flexible and perfectly respond to the specific wishes of clients. They can develop private labels that are entirely tailored to individual taste preferences and brand requirements, making each collaboration a unique and personal experience. This is done without the client being bound to mandatory minimum purchases of 1000L, allowing them to test the product on the market before committing to large-scale production. This not only limits the investment but also the risks of overstock.

Packaging choice

Initially, Boozehounds chose a classic label design, somewhat serene. However, this proved to be the wrong choice as the bottles did not stand out enough among other products. To better showcase the unique personality of their drinks, Boozehounds decided to switch to a bolder, 'funky' style.

"The right balance was a challenge," says Stefan, the founder of Boozehounds. "We wanted a label that stood out, but wasn't over the top. We wanted a label that reflects the playful and unconventional nature of our brand, while also maintaining a professional appearance. Zolemba played a crucial role in this process. Thanks to their expertise and the flexibility of silver labels, we were able to experiment and try out different designs. By working together multiple times, we learned more and more how to get the most out of our labels. This is once again a beautiful reflection of our vision at Boozehounds."

Boozehounds has undergone an interesting evolution in designing their labels. Finding the perfect balance between eye-catching and stylish was a challenge, but with Zolemba's expertise and the versatility of silver labels, Boozehounds created a label that seamlessly aligns with their brand identity and produced a stunning result.

Pride and ambition

What started eight years ago as an idea has now grown into Boozehounds, a well-established name in the world of spirits and liqueurs. Not only the brand itself but also the team behind Boozehounds has undergone enormous development. "I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved in such a short time," says the founder. "The praise from professionals and experts in the industry is confirmation that we are on the right track. That inspires us to continue innovating and pushing the boundaries of taste.”

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